Display Matches on Product Detail Page
Last updated December 20, 2023
Enrich the experience on your website by personalising the product description on the product detail page.
After a user has completed the Product Finder Quiz, the corresponding profile data is automatically stored in localStorage. We can use this data to request a match anywhere else on your website, independently of the questionnaire and if the product is integrated in the Product Finder or not. All that is needed is a valid profile (localStorage or alternatively if you saved a profile by postMessage), your questionnaire ID, the EAN you’d like to match, and the language you’d like to display the results in.
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The example below should get you started
With the given login credentials you can access your account at Skin Match Technology by logging in at getskinmatch.com > Administration > Edit Questionnaire > Settings > Integration
In your Account, you can Copy the Code displayed under the title “Optional: Display Matches on Product Detail Page”
Paste it on the product detail page where you want to display the personalized product matches on your website. You may add content on the top or below the snippet.
The results will not have any styling. In your account, we provide you with some CSS as a starting point, but feel free to skip this and write your own from scratch to make it your own.