Setting the correct Skin Tone Color for your Products
Last updated January 3, 2023
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If your product is a skin tone-related color cosmetics product you will have to pick either a skin tone or makeup color or both. Follow the guidelines below.
Only pick one skin tone color for each product.
If you have a palette with multiple colors, for example, a contouring palette pick the base skin tone.
If your product is translucent; do not pick any skin tone color so it will apply to all skin tones.
Pick the closest Skin Tone Color by using the fairness/darkness as well as the undertone instructions. Our recommendations automatically include all direct neighboring colors.
Warm Undertone
Leans to peachy, yellow, or golden. For veins that appear greenish, tans easily, and rarely sunburns. Looks best with gold-toned jewelry.
Cool Undertone
Leans to pink, red, or blue. For veins that appear blueish or deeper purple. Silver or platinum jewelry looks great with it.
Neutral Undertones
Skin color is more evident than either undertone with tendencies to olive skin with a slight greenish touch.
Skin Tone Colors apply to Foundations, BB/CC Creams, Powders, Concealers and other skin tone related color cosmetics.
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Color Map for Products
Once you have selected the correct skin tone for each of your foundation products, please get in touch with your project manager to double-check and approve all products. As soon as all products are approved a “Color Fan Icon” will appear at the top right of the product. Click on it to see the full color-map and how your products’ coverage is for the 112 available skin tones.
You have the possibility to send in samples for each shade and our team member will do a manual color matching with offline reference colors. This is the most accurate way of setting the color for skin tone-relevant products. For offline color matching by our team, send the samples to the following address >>