Monthly License Fees
Last updated January 9, 2023
License Fees are calculated and billed on a monthly basis per effective usage.
How the pricing is calculated and offered:
Determine your expected monthly number of Matches (Product Finder), Views (INCI Explainer, Clean Beauty Icons), or Scans (Mobile Scanner).
Each tier shows how many Matches, Views, or Scans are calculated at a specific price point.
Once you have used all Matches, Views, or Scans in Tier 1, the remaining number of matches will be billed at the reduced-price range of the next Tier and so on.
License Fees may include:
General overview of the available data on users in an anonymous and aggregated form and/or performance data.
Styling with different color settings to make our tools fit your branding
5 Staff Accounts; You have the possibility to add 5 Staff Accounts within the license fee. Any additional Account exceeding 5 Accounts will be billed annually for CHF/EURO 120
Access to all available Languages
User Data Export is available at a surcharge of +15%
Related Topics
With the given login credentials you can access your Usage numbers and fees at > Administration > Edit Questionnaire > Insight
For Clients with Enterprise Solutions or monthly Flat-Fees that exceed EUR 1’000 per Month, we also offer monthly Flat-Fees.
Billing & Invoices
Please review our Terms of Service for detailed information.
Unless otherwise indicated, all Fees and other charges are in EURO or CHF, and all payments shall be in EURO or CHF currency.
Unless otherwise agreed, License Fees are paid per use and will be billed in 30-day intervals (each such date, a “Billing Date”).
Additional fees such as Setup-Fees if applicable or Custom Code will be charged upfront.
You will be charged on each Billing Date for all outstanding Fees that have not previously been charged. Fees will appear on an invoice, which will be sent to you via email.
SMT may charge an Additional Fee if you have received our Services without installing our Services within 90 days. This Additional Fee will be equal to 6 months of the assumed monthly cost. This amount will be considered as a deposit for you to activate our Services at any time within the next 12 months.