Product Finder Insights

Last updated December 20, 2023

The Insights within your Product Finder Dashboard gives you any numbers around the usage of the Product Finder and the Profiles behind it. In short, everything that happens with the Product Finder itself.

With the given login credentials you can access your account at Skin Match Technology by logging in at Administration > Edit Questionnaire > Insights

Usage Performance Today

Total Matches
Number of matches accumulated through all profiles, including PDP.

Total number of profiles that have filled out the questionnaire fully.

Products clicked
Total number of products that have been clicked on by all profiles.

Usage Performance All Time

Total Matches
Number of matches accumulated through all profiles, including PDP.

Total number of profiles that have filled out the questionnaire fully.

Products Clicked
Total number of products that have been clicked on by all profiles.

CTR (all actions)
Percentage of profiles that have clicked on any action button on one or more products.


Matches are related to “matching products” meaning if we have 92 people taking a full product finder (=Profiles) we have to match each profile with 36 products to be able to calculate the best matching one. This results in a total number of 3312 matches.

Monthly Matches

This section shows your last three months of usage as well as the current one. Below you will see the cost as per the month’s usage. If you have agreed on flat-pricing this will show the same amount as agreed for each month.

Most Suggested Products

See a list of your most suggested products, based on your user’s preferences.

Most Clicked Products

See a list of your most clicked products, based on your user’s interaction with the routine result page.

Best Performing Products

Performance is measured as the number of clicks divided by the number of suggestions. Performance statistics only consider products that have been suggested more than 100 times.

Least Performing Products

Performance is measured as the number of clicks divided by the number of suggestions. Performance statistics only consider products that have been suggested more than 100 times.

Persona Insight Last Month

Only for the Foundation and Shade Finder, you will get an extra statistic of Products and Brands that have been used to match a current product shade with a new one.

Persona Insight Last Month

The data shown in this section is fully dependent on the setup and the questions asked.


Any further tracking, especially of metrics that happen before or after using the Product Finder needs to be tracked on your end as we do not have any access to said data.
Review the different possibilities here.

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